Monday, September 13, 2010

Manic Monday

I had the WHOLE weekend off this week! It was like heaven. I haven't had that in an entire year.. It was so nice, not having to be anywhere, and not stressing about homework, or getting my schedule mixed up. It was wonderful. However--because it was so nice pretending to live a normal life, there were reprocutions today for it. I did not want to wake up. I did not want to drive to work. I did not want to do anything but get back into bed, and pretend that I had a few more hours to sleep. Then, after work at Starbucks from 8:30-5, had to make myself trudge on over to my 2nd job until 9:30.... It has been a few days since I did the 12 hour shift, and today was not a terrific day for it. I was so sleepy, I could not stop yawning. I hate those days.
 I have decided, that for my own sanity, I have to have a day a week off. Ironically enough, I think it might be Mondays. Haha :) So, I'm a little frazzled about these next 2 weeks, because I have a lot going on work wise, but I am excited to finally have everything feel semi normal again. Routine is what makes me happy.  God knows exactly what He's talking about... One day of rest is just what is needed. :) I'm glad He put that in there! :)

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Gen. 2:2

"Manic Monday" by the Bangles.

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