Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do you smell strawberries?

My first week as a working dental assistant. I have so many thoughts zipping through my head! I love the work, still getting the feel of things, but so excited to get the routine down, really start helping the office out and making things happen. The first day was a little rough.. I am waking up at 5:30 now, and haven't had to do that in awhile, so as you can imagine, I was half asleep as I was getting ready for the day. Keeping busy once I got to work the time just flew right on by to lunch. As I was getting in the car, I caught a glimpse of myself in the rear-view mirror, and noticed that most of the makeup on my face was not rubbed in all of the way, and as I looked further I noticed that the extra strong strawberry fragrance that I had been smelling all day, wasn't the air freshener in the office, it was shampoo that was left in my hair from that morning. So, needless to say.. It was quite a first day, but I made it through and did fine getting myself dressed and ready the rest of the week. Haha. :)
 Going into this particular job each day is really going to stand as such a reminder of how impressionable kids really are... and the even more remarkable thing, how kids can make such an impression on my own perspective of the world! They are so much smarter than we give them credit for. They usually know (even if they can't acknowledge it) what's going on in their environment, and their responses in situations are so REAL!  A few times this week, I have caught myself holding back bursts of giggles, because their answers to questions have been so honest and cold as steel true. I'm so amazed at how much I am learning from a handful of five year olds... Haha, I love it.

Toy Sotry 2: When Somebody Loved Me
by Sarah McLachlan

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Population-Me. ?

Food for thought today... What if there IS a bigger picture? Outside my own little world?  God has given me--put straight in the palms of my hands, so many tools to inch out of my small little view of the world. To offer someone a hello to break up their loneliness, pick up a fallen paper and smooth their frantic day, or to pray for the girl that I see standing by herself everyday waiting for her school bus to come. So, new challenge: To start praying outside of the box. To start reaching deeper into my relationships with people, instead of keeping others a yard away. To focus on THE most important relationship of all. -Mine with God. He never stops giving me opportunities, I however, sometimes stop looking for them.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Music that makes you feel good!

Picture this: 2 old ladies sitting under dryers with curlers in their hair, gossiping and sipping on coffee. This was the picture of my sister and I this weekend. We had so much fun! We got perms at my aunts house on Saturday and had a blast. -The perms don't look to shabby either! Niether of us has ever tried the curly-locks look before, and I have to say, it's fun to wear! I love the bounce! :) When we got into her tiny little car on the way back, and her poor car smelt SOO bad, because of the perm chemicals. We had a good time though, lots of laughs.

And--story time. So, on our way back we were aiming for the 6:15 ferry, and when we finally got to the payment booth after an hour long wait, we were excited because we saw the next ferry just pulling in, so we were going to make it on! However.... the magnet strip on the card we were paying with didn't work, and they don't take checks anymore, and we didnt' have any cash on us. Hahah, so we had to get out of line, find an ATM, and get back in line for another hour wait and another ferry. Oh gosh, we werent' laughing then, but now I think it's sort of funny. We made it fun though, we had stuffed all of our old Cd's into our purses before we left, so we listened to some music we hadn't heard in awhile. This song being one of them. (Rachel C. ... I always think of you when I hear this song, that summer before we moved I think you made  us a mix with this on it, hahaa, so thanks for the entertainment this weekend! :)

Newsies soundtrack, 98*, Spice Girls, Tim McGraw, and Relient K were all there along with a few more. I love mix tracks! I would love to hear what some of your favorite songs were from a long time ago! This would be so  much fun, if you sent me an e-mail or something with the song and a little note why and when you fell in love with that song :) Can't wait to hear from you!!!

P.s. Happy Birthday Keri, and Timmy!!! Hope you guys have a wonderful day and new year!!

Nickel Creek - When You Come Back Down (HD)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Passion Tea Lemonade

Definitely no sunshine here today. An eye-opening day to fall and winter weather. My day started very early, as I had my first opening shift at Starbucks today in a town about 45 minutes away from here.. I woke up at 3:00!! However, my Dad being the sweet man that he is, woke up to turn the coffee pot on for me and keep me company while I waited for the brew to finish. So thankful that he did this out of the goodness of his heart, because it turned a dreaded early morning, into one that I really enjoyed. Being my first one, it showed me what I could make out of this new early routine on my own, to set my day right :) .
Got to work at 4:30, and started rolling from there! Before I knew it, my 4 hour training shift was done! And it was only 8:30. So I picked out my scrubs for my new dental job, met more staff, saw more of the office, and got more excited!

Did I forget to mention that?? I GOT HIRED AT THE DENTAL OFFICE!!!  YAY! Tuesday was definitely a day to celebrate! After I got the call, it was impossible to keep from smiling! My whole year of planning, and waiting, and planning is completely 100% done! There are no puzzle pieces left!  I can't believe it. I think it will be way more real once the ball starts rolling and everything settles into a routine (Which I require). But for now, it still is the best feeling in the world. I was telling a friend that I work with who is still going to school, that I wish I could bottle this feeling of accomplishment and share it with students in the middle of their training, so that they would have some sense that a finish line actually existed. Haha, maybe I'll work on that next. It could be a fragrance line.... "Scents of Accomplishment".... haha :)

 I can't express enough how blessed I know I am that everything is done, and has gone so smoothly over this last year.. God always goes above and beyond what I think would be perfect. PTL!!  (PTL=bible college slang for "Praise the Lord" hahaha, at work I just smile to myself every time someone orders a Passion Tea Lemonade, because PTL is the drink ID that goes on the cup :) Hahha. Love it.

Trailer Choir: "Rollin' Through the Sunshine".

Monday, September 13, 2010

Manic Monday

I had the WHOLE weekend off this week! It was like heaven. I haven't had that in an entire year.. It was so nice, not having to be anywhere, and not stressing about homework, or getting my schedule mixed up. It was wonderful. However--because it was so nice pretending to live a normal life, there were reprocutions today for it. I did not want to wake up. I did not want to drive to work. I did not want to do anything but get back into bed, and pretend that I had a few more hours to sleep. Then, after work at Starbucks from 8:30-5, had to make myself trudge on over to my 2nd job until 9:30.... It has been a few days since I did the 12 hour shift, and today was not a terrific day for it. I was so sleepy, I could not stop yawning. I hate those days.
 I have decided, that for my own sanity, I have to have a day a week off. Ironically enough, I think it might be Mondays. Haha :) So, I'm a little frazzled about these next 2 weeks, because I have a lot going on work wise, but I am excited to finally have everything feel semi normal again. Routine is what makes me happy.  God knows exactly what He's talking about... One day of rest is just what is needed. :) I'm glad He put that in there! :)

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Gen. 2:2

"Manic Monday" by the Bangles.

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Good night, Jim Bob"

Ohhh, the Waltons.... :) We watched every episode together when we were younger. The theme song brings me "warm fuzzies" as my cousin would say. I remember watching it and just dreaming that I could be like Mary Ellen, and have hair like Elizabeth. Haha, I was thinking of them tonight because I was reminded of the "goodnight" scence that they did after nearly every episode.
"You kids quiet down now and get some sleep..."
"Night Mama",
 "Night Ben",
"Night Mama, Goodnight Daddy",
"Goodnight children",
"Goodnight Jim Bob"......
I crawled into bed tonight, I grabbed my phone like I usually do, to set the alarm on it for the morning, and realized that I had a missed call. "HOME" it said. Hahaha, I had just missed the call, so I called "HOME" back, and my parents answered, and my little sister jumped on the line too. From just a few rooms away, we all (on the phone) wished each other a goodnight and sweet dreams. Welcome to 2010 :) haha.

Also accomplished today:
  • Passed all of my Checker/Cashier tests today!! (Yay!!)
  • Had next interview at office... Loved the dentist, just as much as the rest of the girls that work there! (crossing my fingers, but am so thankful that at my experience level, they would even consider me)
  • Made my first Starbucks drink today.... a Carmel Frappuccino!! Also, made 3 carafts of French pressed coffee, and a shaken iced tea....Still enjoying it soo much!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ever The Same

Today was such a whirlwind of a day... Lots of new information thrown out at me at work, and bouncing back phone calls trying to set up a final interview for a possible office to work at. All exciting, a little hectic, but I'm loving it. I just can't get enough of the Starbucks portion of the training. I am soaking it all up, and asking too many questions, I'm sure! I LOVE this company!! Can't wait to jump deeper into it!

It is so foreign to me that everything that I've been brainstorming, and working for as far as future plans go, have been coming together this past week all at once. And depending on how the final interview goes tomorrow, my "future plans" may not exist at all. Getting into an office is the final mile.-And as far as my plans go, - they wont be future anymore... it'll be now. Present. Active... I'm okay with being idol for awhile, and just riding the wave. -But what am I working towards when I'm doing that? An apartment is 1.... what else is there?! Hahaha, I think I've been running so long, and straining to get to this finish line, that I have completely forgotten how to go slow, and pay attention to everything else. There is actually quite a lot to catch up on that I have neglected these past 12 months.

It's a different approach too, to start thinking in years.. They used to be so far off, but now it seems like I can't stuff enough time into them. Growing up is so sobering. Haha, life really is going to be short, isn't it? And complicated... Who knew God had a thing for obstacle courses??! Haha :) Thank GOD He guides us through it, huh?

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven".
-Philippians 3:13-14

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Okay, here's the deal... I did not miss a day (already) on purpose!! I promise! My Internet was out last night when I got home from work... But, I already had a song picked out for the day. The song of choice for YESTERDAY is: "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams. I was memorizing produce codes all day at work, and green cabbage is 4069. It has been a lifesaver.

Also, my challenge is going pretty well. I have caught myself a few times with words about to spill out, but I've stopped, and changed directions. I've actually even noticed a change in how I handle situations. That bible sure knows what it's talking about.... Hahaha.

P.s. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Chris Tomlin - I Will Follow

Lovin' this song!! When this song comes on the radio, it's an automatic reaction to turn it up. I can't help but humbly pray the same words he sings... "Where You go, I go... how you love, I love...I will follow YOU!" Seems to be a reminder, I never fall short of needing.

Movie a-go-go!

So, today I had the pleasure of going across the water here, to catch a movie with my little cousin. We went and saw Romana and Beezus.. SUCH a cute movie!! My cousin is coming up on 5th grade, and this was such a cute story to watch with her! What ever happened to "family movies"? I haven't seen one in a long time! It was so nice being able to watch the entire thing, and not worry about having to pull a quick ninja move to cover her eyes and ears before they finished the sentence. The worst word in this movie was --"guts" haha, which made me question myself... why say bad words? Haha, really? It only makes my mood worse, and elevates my temper, and sounds trashy.. So I am challenging myself to 'discontinue' those select words that occasionally slip past my lips. I will be following what James 5:12 says, and with all my might, only say "yes", or "no" when appropriate instead of an alternative.. Keep me accountable!! I'm really interested to see how this affects my mood, and how my immediate reactions change. :)

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."  -Ephesians 4:29

Anyways, it was a great day to be a movie-goer... Washington sure held up to those grey sky's that it's known for this Labor Day weekend. But, (surprise, surprise) I actually didn't mind. We haven't had a summer at all this year, but strangely enough.. I am finding myself welcoming fall with open arms! Bring it on El Nino!! I'm excited for you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sugarland - Stuck Like Glue

I love this song! Besides being stuck in my head all day, this song is so fitting for my mood this weekend. Being the first weekend out of school, I feel like I am back from being gone for awhile... I have been so reassured to see that I can relax again, and be stress free! I'm not gonna lie... I was seriously doubting that I would ever get through those last few weeks. haha :) I am thrilled to find that I can put 'the pedal to the metal'  for a long stretch, and still come out to be myself in the end, when it's done. This year was my first year, of actuallly working through a project and seeing it through till the very end! Like I've been through an entire working cycle once. WOOHOOO!!  Hahha, here's to .... a few months before the next challange! Hahhaa :)  There is now a new dimension to Addie... though it may be "stuck like glue" to me, it's not taking over... I'm still here.

In the Beginning....

It's been a year in thought, this blog... I have finally decided that I have the time to give it a try! Inspired by "The Daily Be", my goal for this page is to just daily (cross your fingers!!) write an entry with a music video or photo attached that somehow became a theme for my day, or caught my ear. As I am trying to teach myself self discipline in this season of my life (where all of my responsibilities are now self-driven) I think this may be an entertaining way to start.
I defiantly feel like God has finished the last chapter of my life, and is beginning to prepare me for the next. I have spent the last few years of my life, tossing back and forth what I should aim to do after school-or what to do in school, for that matter. Since I was younger, I had always jumped straight to the moon as far as what I could do for a career. From teaching (not so far fetched) to Astronaut (VERY far fetched for this math-illiterate girl) I had a new passion every week. After high school, reality had set in, that I really was done with school. Hahaha, so I set out for a semester of bible college.. -Which stands as the single most "growing up" experience in my life. I gained such a foundation and understanding of who God was, and how to lead a life that served Him first. As I returned I hit the work force, working 2 part-time jobs. From there I decided to go to Dental Assistant school, as I thought it would be a safe work field, in a still crumbling economy. 1 year, and no free time later, I am DONE!  Jobs are coming together, and time is too. I finally have room to breathe! I have been finished for about a week, and would consider myself to be pretty well rested, and getting ready to go again!